Join Venture

We undertake and constantly welcome Land and Property Development projects in Joint Venture basis or for acquisition. Getting into a JV with us will definitely give a good payback for you. You may have land, houses, houses to be renovated etc but might not have the 'TIME' or 'SKILLS' to do the development work. We are here to help you and you can come to us straight away.

  • Land Development
  • Property Development
  • Project & Construction Management
  • Documentation & Clearance of Property
  • Joint Venture Development
  • Out Rate Purchases and
  • Direct Deals

We always focus on the excellence and timely completion of the projects. Our range of capability and expertise includes projects where we can aid with construction and consultancy for low to high density housing projects and infrastructure development. Moreover, at the winding up of every project, we can help you in asset management and creating an asset plan that enhances the value of the property over time.